Steve Hayes

Steve Hayes is the editor and CEO of The Dispatch.

Steve Hayes

Can We Call It Quits?

And: politics vs. football.

Did Americans Ever Really Care About Policy?

I know you are but what am I.

The Iowa Chill

Is Steve paying attention?

Goodbye, Chris Christie. We Wish You Well

And: Can Nikki Haley win New Hampshire?

Blame the Voters?

Off to the races.

Florida Man Blocked From Colorado Ballots

Also: some Christmas nontroversies.

Passing the Buck on Abortion Law in Texas

Hunter Biden remains a problem.

Sleepwalking Into Autocracy

Why Trump’s win would be the death of the republic.

So You’re Saying There’s a New Sheriff In Town?

Christie Rubio's DeSantis.

Working in Congress Sucks

How to fix everything with one neat trick.