
Every Wednesday and Friday, Jonah Goldberg draws on his deep understanding of American history, culture, and conservatism to analyze politics and policy.

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Bloodbaths, Blunders, and Blowback

Elites in the media and academia are trying to describe a world only they think exists.

Felled by a One-Two Punch

A note about why there’s no G-File today.

I’m With Hur

The former special counsel did not, as some from both parties claim, lie in his testimony.

SOTU Antics Are a Bipartisan Failure

Anything that can be used for politics gets used for politics now.

Apocalypse Not

Presidents don’t matter as much as they would like you to think.

Ukraine’s Moral Reality

Wanting to help the country fend off Russian aggression isn’t pie-eyed idealism.

How Boredom Kills

There’s a reason most revolutionaries come from fairly comfortable backgrounds.

Nations, Nation-States, and Nationalism

On Ukraine and the treason of the nationalists.

The ‘Greatness’ Gimmick

Rankings and honors are just popularity contests.

Truth in Labeling

‘Right’ and ‘left’ might always be changing, but that just means we need more labels, not fewer.

‘Groundhog Day,’ a Parable

Every generation is a Phil Connors, tasked with figuring out the right way to live.

Look What You Made Me Do

On being compelled to write about Taylor Swift, Travis Kelce, and ‘psy ops.’

The Caver in Chief

Donald Trump is much better at talking hardball than at playing it.

The Price of Admission to the GOP

Donald Trump wants one thing: blind loyalty.

Tell Me Lies, Tell Me Sweet Little Lies

Trump is only telling voters what they want to hear.

The Unpopular Vote

How the 2024 election could end up looking a lot like 2016.