Boiling Frogs

Every weekday evening, Nick Catoggio, formerly Allahpundit, offers a running commentary on how populism is changing the world—and America’s two major political parties.

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The ‘Broken Clock’ Problem

Why was a federal judge complaining about Trump on CNN?

Independence Day

Should Lisa Murkowski leave the GOP?

The True Faith

Bible-thumping for fun and profit, but mostly profit.

A Tale of Two Polling Trends

Reasons to believe—and to doubt.

The Pro-Coup Perspective

NBC News shouldn’t have hired Ronna McDaniel.

The Abortion Squeeze

How the Supreme Court could damage the Republican campaign.

All the Best People

On the possibility of a Trump-Rubio ticket.

The 20 Percent

Tuesday’s primary results undermine Trump’s next “rigged election” scam.

The Transactional Radical

The strange dichotomy of Donald Trump’s candidacy.

The Benefit of the Doubt

On Mike Pence and ‘bloodbaths.’

The Nuclear Option

Should Democrats promote RFK’s anti-vax third-party candidacy?

The Enemy Within

The House vote on TikTok exposes curious politics.

It’s Later Than You Think

Hope for a game-changing SOTU falls flat.

Purge and Binge

Three cheers for the new Trump-dominated RNC.

Donald Trump Fights?

For what?

The State of Our Union

A response to the new Dispatch editorial.