Victoria Holmes

Victoria Holmes is an associate multimedia producer at The Dispatch and is based in Washington, D.C. Prior to joining the company in 2022, she worked as a TV news reporter and podcast host. When she's not producing and editing podcasts and multimedia content, she enjoys discovering new restaurant spots or planning her next escape to the beach.

Victoria Holmes

All the Lonely People

"There's a different decline among different groups, but the decline is unanimous across the board."

The Dispatch Monthly Mailbag with Victoria Holmes

Our associate audio and video producer answers your questions.

Welcoming the Stranger

"You can't live faith in the abstract."

Reflections on Hispanic Heritage (Month)

Hispanic and American identities are woven, not weighed, against each other.

What the Next Generation of Christians Needs

How should Christians interact with politics?

Learning to Live in Exile

A model of pastoral care.

The Spirituality of ChatGPT (with Andy Crouch)

The addictive and intoxicating nature of tech.