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Supreme Court: We’re Not Santa Claus
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Supreme Court: We’re Not Santa Claus

Plus: David’s unified theory of crime blind spots.

Sarah and David return for a truly prolific episode covering another SCOTUS decision day and revisit where they stand on originalism and its faults.

The Agenda:
—Doctrine coded vs. culture-war coded
Did the government coerce social media companies in 2020?
David, you ignorant slut
Interpreting “corruptly”
The accidental release of Idaho abortion case
—Is SCOTUS strategic in its opinion release schedule?
—The problems with originalism
—Trump immunity case delay

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Sarah Isgur is a senior editor at The Dispatch and is based in northern Virginia. Prior to joining the company in 2019, she had worked in every branch of the federal government and on three presidential campaigns. When Sarah is not hosting podcasts or writing newsletters, she’s probably sending uplifting stories about spiders to Jonah, who only pretends to love all animals.

David French is a columnist for the New York Times. He’s a former senior editor of The Dispatch. He’s the author most recently of Divided We Fall: America's Secession Threat and How to Restore Our Nation.