Jonah Goldberg

Editor in chief & co-founder of The Dispatch and Remnant podcast host. A scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, an L.A. Times columnist, CNN commentator, and author of three NYT bestsellers. Goldberg worked at National Review for two decades.

Jonah Goldberg

Rage Against the Ism

Don’t reduce your life to the abstract.

A Race of Unpopulars

Feverswamp eschatology.

Down In History

What's the price of international responsibility?

Word to the Wise Guys

We’re arguing about words when we should be arguing about reality.

Taking Liberties

Why Deneen failed.

Stop Pining for the ‘Good Old Days’

Nostalgia is a terrible guide.

Stand By Your Non-Man

Alcohol culture is woke.

Critical Trump Theory

Many on the right have embraced the idea that the system is rigged against the former president.

Circle the Wagon

Trump is poison for the Republican Party.

Rick Rolling

Ed school cartels.