Andrea Stricker

Andrea Stricker is deputy director of the nonproliferation and biodefense program and a research fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD). Follow her on Twitter @StrickerNonpro. FDD is a nonpartisan research institute focusing on national security and foreign policy.

Andrea Stricker

It’s Up to Congress to Stop the Iranian Nuclear Threat

The Biden administration is too willing to trade sanctions relief for illusory concessions.

Iran Needs an Ultimatum, Not a New Deal

The West still does not have a clear understanding of the regime’s nuclear activities.

Saudi Nuclear Ambitions Could Upend the Middle East

And there are steps the U.S. can take to ward them off.

It’s Time to Respond to Iran’s Bad-Faith Negotiations

The Islamic Republic has flouted its nonproliferation obligations and is moving closer to the nuclear threshold.

The IAEA Needs Access to Ukraine’s Nuclear Power Plant. Biden Can Help.

Since Russia seized the plant in March, the safety and security of the plant have been in jeopardy.

Iran Is in Position for a Surprise Nuclear Breakout

No wonder it’s in no rush to renegotiate a nuclear deal.

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of the IAEA’s New Iran Agreement

The agency’s head has vowed not to close a four-year-old investigation of the Islamic Republic’s nuclear work. Does he mean it this time?

A New, Weaker Iran Deal Would Pave a Path to the Nuclear Threshold

Even a new deal might give us a ‘breakout time’ of only a few months.

From ‘Maximum Pressure’ to ‘Minimal Resistance’

The Biden administration has barely responded to Iran’s escalation of its nuclear program.

The Lasting Legacy of A.Q. Khan

His network sold substantial nuclear equipment and assistance to Iran, Libya, and North Korea and contributed to lasting security crises.