
Every Wednesday and Friday, Jonah Goldberg draws on his deep understanding of American history, culture, and conservatism to analyze politics and policy.

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America First? More Like America Whenever.

Trump’s attitude toward Russia shows he never meant America First.

Everyone’s (Kinda) a Rebel

And when everyone’s a rebel, no one is.

Does the Word ‘Conservative’ Mean Anything Anymore?

Positions aren't conservative just because the Republican president holds them.

On Words and Things

Or, why we have Twitter but not jetpacks.

The Most Serious Attacks on the Founding Come From the Right

Plus, thoughts on the evolution of language.

The Shot Heard Round—and Round and Round—the World

Thoughts on gratitude for the founding of America.

Isn’t It Romantic?

With forays into Jaws, and why our culture thinks with its heart and not its head.

Cancel Woodrow Wilson

He was a reactionary on race and the Confederate cause in his own time.

The Maoist Nature of the New War on Wrongthink

Plus, some thoughts on German words and the concept of Einfühlungsvermögen.

A Parliament of Idiots

There is no point in providing ‘context’ for mob behavior that results in senseless destruction.

John Bolton vs. Donald Trump

The president’s supporters are making contradictory arguments about what’s wrong with Bolton’s book.

The Growing CHAZm in Seattle

Anarchists take over a neighborhood and … build a border wall?

Unlearning the Worst Parts of Ourselves

We have to be taught not to hate, or at least to hate the right things. Like racism.

The Treason of Epidemiologists

They erode the public trust when they tell people to stay home from church but encourage protests for a cause with which they agree.

Speech Is Not Violence, and Violence Is Not Speech

Plus, thoughts on what systemic racism is—and isn't.

Everyone’s a Pundit Now

Plus, thoughts on murder hornets and the warping of time.