The Morning Dispatch

Every weekday morning, Mary Trimble and Grayson Logue provide an essential news briefing, along with original reporting and analysis on the day’s biggest stories.

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The Morning Dispatch: Conflict Flares in Jerusalem

But there are reasons to hope things won't get as bad as they did during last year's 11-day war.

The Morning Dispatch: States Prepare for a Possible Post-Roe Future

Plus: Sri Lanka struggles to stop its economic spiral.

The Morning Dispatch: Biden Splits the Baby on New Oil and Gas Leases

Plus: Can Trump’s endorsement get J.D. Vance over the hump in Ohio?

The Morning Dispatch: Biden Kicks the Can Down the Road on Student Loans

Large-scale student debt forgiveness would represent a massive cash infusion to America’s wealthiest households.

The Morning Dispatch: Finland and Sweden Weighing NATO Bids

Vladimir Putin's attempt to violently yank one neighbor out of Europe's orbit has pushed other neighbors closer to the West.

The Morning Dispatch: Light at the End of the Inflation Tunnel?

Plus: How Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is affecting global food supply.

The Morning Dispatch: Will Boris Escape Partygate Flak?

The British prime minister admits to paying a fine for breaking his own COVID regulations in 2020, but opposition to his leadership has softened following Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

The Morning Dispatch: Pakistan Swaps Prime Ministers

Plus: The world prepares for the Russian pivot to eastern Ukraine.

The Morning Dispatch: New Report Details Atrocities in Ethiopia

Amnesty International finds evidence of attempted ethnic cleansing of Tigrayans.

The Morning Dispatch: The Shanghai Time Capsule

China’s draconian COVID restrictions hearken back to the earliest days of the pandemic.

The Morning Dispatch: How Will the U.S. Admit Ukraine’s Refugees?

Pledging our intention to welcome 100,000 displaced Ukrainians is one thing; quickly finding room for them in our maze of overloaded immigration systems is another.

The Morning Dispatch: A Chance for Temporary Peace in One of the World’s Deadliest Conflicts

Both parties in Yemen’s yearslong civil war have agreed to a United Nations-brokered ceasefire—for now.

The Morning Dispatch: The Brutality in Bucha

The world reacts to reports of civilians allegedly murdered by the occupying Russian army.

The Morning Dispatch: A Strong March Jobs Report

Plus: Russian soldiers retreating from the Kyiv region leave evidence of brutality and war crimes in their wake.

The Morning Dispatch: Ending Pandemic Immigration Enforcement

Plus: Biden authorizes a massive release from America's strategic petroleum reserve.

The Morning Dispatch: Why Your Rent Is Up

Plus: The FDA quietly authorizes a second COVID booster shot for the immunocompromised and elderly.