Boiling Frogs

Every weekday evening, Nick Catoggio, formerly Allahpundit, offers a running commentary on how populism is changing the world—and America’s two major political parties.

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We’re Not Coming All The Way Back From This

On the Trump indictment. The latest one.

Scamming Grandma

Team DeSantis’ new line of attack against Trump won’t work.

The Doom Poll

Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.

Après Mitch, Le Déluge

One cheer for gerontocracy.

Thirsty Ron

You’re not mad at him. You’re mad at the party.

Join or Die

Mitt Romney’s odd plea to consolidate the anti-Trump vote.


Untangling the controversy over Florida’s black history curriculum.


Why not?

Ultra Vires

Down with ‘Popular Constitutionalism.’


Has conservative media failed Ron DeSantis?

You’re Only Prolonging This

The GOP’s Brian Kemp problem.

Long Weekend

Two rough days for traditional conservatives.

Second-Guessing the Second-Guessing

What Ron DeSantis’ campaign hasn’t done wrong.

Conflict Resolution

Who won the GOP civil war over Ukraine?

The Tucker Cattle Call

Everything that’s wrong with the GOP in one forum.


Will Ramaswamy overtake Ron DeSantis?