Boiling Frogs

Every weekday evening, Nick Catoggio, formerly Allahpundit, offers a running commentary on how populism is changing the world—and America’s two major political parties.

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The Demagogue Won

Of course he did.

A Debate About Nothing, and Everything

High stakes and low in Milwaukee.


Will stalemate in Ukraine sink Biden?

Listless Vessels

Will Ron DeSantis be punished for telling the truth?

What Are Parties For?

Further thoughts on this week’s newsletters.

The End of Electability

As Trump’s jeopardy deepens, his primary lead grows.

The Landslide Scenario

How Biden might win big.

Racket Ball

The fourth indictment is the most satisfying.

Yes, Small Donors Are Bad

Large donors? Also not great.

Where’d All the Serial Killers Go?

Musings on the decline of lethal degenerates.

Requiem for a Heavyweight

What’s the realistic best outcome for Ron DeSantis now?

The Return of Roe

Will Democrats try to reinstate federal abortion rights?

The Primary That Wasn’t

Did DeSantis miscalculate?

Nothing to Lose

Pence and DeSantis turn more aggressive on January 6.

Show Trial

Should Trump’s January 6 prosecution be televised?

Debate Me, Bro

Ron DeSantis vs. Gavin Newsom is good for everyone.