
Every Wednesday and Friday, Jonah Goldberg draws on his deep understanding of American history, culture, and conservatism to analyze politics and policy.

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When House of Cards Went Off the Rails

When House of Cards Went Off the Rails

So, as I was saying, House of Cards was—prior to Kevin Spacey’s deletion—about a Machiavellian ...

Yada Yada-ing Tyranny

The Great Leap Forward was a moral calamity and an economic catastrophe, yet it goes unmentioned in a new essay on China’s economic success.

P.J. O’Rourke, Humor, and Wisdom

There’s more profundity in comedy than philosophers admit.

Zigging and Zagging Along the 49th Parallel

America and Canada are very different countries, but still within the confines of Anglosphere liberalism.

Canine Economics in One Lesson

Thoughts on needs, desires, and living a meaningful life.

We’re Hooked on a Feeling–of Despair

And high on believing that everything is worse than it is.

It Takes Two Sides to Fight a War

Pretending the culture wars are a one-sided phenomenon is a form of distortion and misinformation.

Goldberg Variations

What the Whoopi Goldberg firestorm tells us.

The Perils of Our Virtual Reality

Defined physical communities are a bulwark against nationalization. Social media sees them as impediments.

The Democrats’ Dangerous Game of Identity Politics

If only merit were the norm for choosing Supreme Court justices.

M&Ms, Masterminding, and Meandering

On the moral imperative of staying in your lane.

Memory and MLK

We can’t know what he would believe today, even as others use his words to advance their own causes.

Rites About Rights

Sure, voting is a right. But it’s not the source of our rights.

About That Speech …

As his presidency spirals downward, Joe Biden lashes out.

Transformers: Less Than Meets the Eye

The smartest thing for either party to do is engage in a serious campaign to simply make government do the stuff it’s supposed to do.

What I Got Wrong About Fascism

The American right is not immune to the fascist temptation.