
Every Wednesday and Friday, Jonah Goldberg draws on his deep understanding of American history, culture, and conservatism to analyze politics and policy.

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Fatal Distraction

Can the GOP survive Trump’s never-ending obsession with himself?

Words With Friends

The conservative movement faces many challenges, and there are no easy solutions.

Grow Up, Everybody

This is no way to save democracy.

You Otter Be Outraged

You Otter Be Outraged

As the guy said when asked to tap out the full 17-minute version of Iron ...

Ratifying the Idiocracy

The bases of both parties, each in their own ways, crave dumbed down “solutions.” Our elites are indulging them.

We’ve Got the ‘Schoolhouse Rock’ Blues

They just don't craft legislation like they used to.

What Sidewalks Can Teach Us About Writing Laws

What Sidewalks Can Teach Us About Writing Laws

Okay, so people like this sidebar thing. I can’t promise I’ll do it every week, ...

Reining In Our Paranoia

People get so addicted to their own narratives that they become blind to practical dangers.

Biden ‘Finding Himself’ in Trouble Is a Losing Narrative

And you may ask yourself, ‘Well, how did we get here?’

When Liberals Blame Their Mistakes on ‘America’

When Liberals Blame Their Mistakes on ‘America’

Folks liked the last sidebar thing I did on the Labor Theory of Value, so ...

Haute Cuisine and Warped Priorities

The politicization of everything continues apace, to our peril.

Rules Matter. For Everyone.

People are putting torches to the rules, but all they know how to do is complain about the other teams’ smoke.

Biden Tries to Change the Subject

He’s stretching the law on the assumption that he can buy himself time.

Taliban 1.0, Chapter 2

It hasn’t reformed. It’s not a partner. And it wants an emirate far more than inclusion in the ‘international community.’

War of Attention

When people are distracted by a zillion different things, the most reliable way to get them to look your way is to say crazy stuff.