
Every Wednesday and Friday, Jonah Goldberg draws on his deep understanding of American history, culture, and conservatism to analyze politics and policy.

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Walk, Then Run

What government is for.

Walk, Then Run

What government is for.

Genies and Demons and Muses, Oh My

A spelunking expedition down a linguistic rabbit hole.

Schrödinger’s Serial Killers

Notes on the complexity and simplicity of evil.

When Market Failure Is Government Failure

The baby formula crisis reveals the perils of bad policy and bad regulation.

The Defining Ethos of MAGA

It’s ‘never admit fault.’

The Identity Politics Two-Step

The left thinks celebrating the demise of the white majority is high-minded and normal, while lamenting it is the lowest form of racism.

Not Everything Is a Morality Tale

Inflation, ‘greed,’ and moral panics.

Hypocrisy All the Way Down

If hypocrisy were helium, everyone would have a funny voice and some people would just float away.

One-Armed Shadowboxing

In making everything about race, the left is fighting only the enemies it wants to fight. And it’s losing.

Why Joe Biden Hates Saying the A-Word

Abortion is not a great issue for Democrats, so he is trying to warn that the leaked Alito opinion threatens other rights.

Mixed Nuts

The GOP has the lion’s share of macadamias, pistachios, and cashews, while the Democrats have mostly peanuts.

The Enduring Cognitive Dissonance of the American Left

How Democrats use of the term ‘middle class’ to win elections while categorizing people in terms that negate the very idea of a middle class.

Kevin McCarthy and the Eternal Now

The House minority leader said the right thing after January 6—and then lied about having done so.

The Sound of One Hand Clapping

The right’s problems have a long history, but they aren’t unique. They’re American problems.

More Sandwiches, Less Kale Foam

Democrats have been captured by the political equivalent of molecular gastronomy.