
Every Wednesday and Friday, Jonah Goldberg draws on his deep understanding of American history, culture, and conservatism to analyze politics and policy.

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Rage Against the Ism

Don’t reduce your life to the abstract.

Word to the Wise Guys

We’re arguing about words when we should be arguing about reality.

Critical Trump Theory

Many on the right have embraced the idea that the system is rigged against the former president.

Representation vs. Democracy

Not all representative bodies are democratic, and not everything should be democratized.

They Just Don’t Care

Why won’t Republicans consider the possibility that Trump is guilty?

Chris Christie’s Contribution

He could normalize attacking Trump for other GOP candidates.

Class Dismissed

How material abundance erodes class but intensifies social status.

Your Life Portfolio—and Ours

Diversify, buy-and-hold, and other secrets to the good life.

Book Banning Ain’t What It Used To Be

Content curation isn’t the same as fascism.

The Patron Saint of the Technocracy

Progressives like Pete Buttigieg worship the state and condemn the institutions that stand in their way.

‘Woke’ Is Just Another Word for ‘Things That Make Us Mad’

Another beer ad is triggering the right.

The Old Deal

Zombie New Dealers to the left of me and the right.

The Tragedies of Jordan Neely and Donald Trump

Opposites are not as different as the word sometimes implies.

Buzzed on Coffee and Double Standards

On the inverted pyramid of concern.

How About Zero Tolerance for Crime?

It’s not hopeless or naïve. It’s the government’s job.

Tucker’s Matrix

Tucker Carlson thinks he’s the last honest man, and he’ll lie to prove it.