
Olivia Rodrigo’s Mainstream Nostalgia

Why are her songs about teenagers falling out of love and not being able to parallel park captivating?

We’ll Always Have Turner Classic Movies … or Will We?

Why attacks on the classic film channel amount to more than a hill of beans.

Justice by Association

A review of Danielle Allen’s ‘Justice by Means of Democracy.’

The Heartbreak of An Immigrant

The new movie ‘Past Lives’ delivers a refreshing immigration story.

What Makes Gen Z Tick?

Jean Twenge’s data-rich new book explores America’s six living generations, and lays out striking possibilities for future trends in public opinion.

Cormac McCarthy’s Blood and Guts Catholicism

The late writer’s gritty style gives us a window into his religious upbringing and imagination.

Paternal Roots

A look back at Seamus Heaney’s best poem about fathers.

Russia vs. Ukraine, Year One

A review of Serhii Plokhy’s ‘The Russo-Ukrainian War: The Return of History.’

‘Tom Jones’ Is No Masterpiece

The latest adaptation of Henry Fielding’s novel shows that changing a character’s race can be superficial.

The Peril of Greatness

Reflections on the final season of HBO’s ‘Succession.’

Whodunit, Japanese Style

A review of Yukito Ayatsuji’s 'The Mill House Murders.'

The Rise and Fall of Your First Smartphone

A review of ‘BlackBerry.’

Wage Rage

Michael Lind’s latest book outlines New Right economic proposals, but repeats Old Left mistakes.

‘White House Plumbers’ Needs to be Fixed

The first episode of the HBO miniseries is dreadful.

Vintage J

John Mulaney’s latest stand-up special tackles his struggles with addiction, but also shows off his signature comedic charm.

Heaven, Earth, and Lithuania

The Paintings of M. K. Čiurlionis.