Charlotte Lawson

Charlotte Lawson is a reporter at The Dispatch and currently based in Tel Aviv, Israel. Prior to joining the company in 2020, she studied history and global security at the University of Virginia. When Charlotte is not keeping up with foreign policy and world affairs, she is probably trying to hone her photography skills.

Charlotte Lawson

Turkey on the Brink

Next year’s presidential election could reshape how Ankara sees its place in the world.

The U.S.-Turkey Relationship Just Got More Complicated

A terrorist attack in Istanbul renews tensions between longtime allies.

Calling Putin’s Black Sea Bluff

Why did Russia’s president back down on his threat to resume blockading Ukrainian grain exports? A Dispatch Explainer.

A Global Hostage Crisis

How Washington tries to prevent international adversaries from using captive Americans as leverage: A Dispatch Explainer.

Are We Witnessing Another Iranian Revolution?

Protests calling for regime change persist, but would-be revolutionaries face a long and perilous road ahead: A Dispatch Explainer.

The Russia-Iran Axis

Deeper ties create risks for the West on battlefields far beyond Ukraine.

Why It’s So Hard to End the War in Ukraine

Both sides see more peril in negotiations than continuing the fight.

A New NATO Heavyweight?

Poland’s importance in the alliance has grown as it increased military spending and deepened ties to neighboring Ukraine.

Conscription Fears Spark a Russian Exodus

Thousands of men fleeing the country undermine Vladimir Putin’s mobilization efforts.

Iran After Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei

How the Islamic Republic’s 83-year-old ruler plans to cement his repressive legacy: a Dispatch Explainer.