
Parler, Section 230, and the Future of the Internet

An upstart social media site tries to break the grip of Big Tech on the public discourse.

China’s Crackdown on Hong Kong Is About Intimidation

The goal is not to arrest people, but to silence them.

What If, Just This Once, We Had Mandatory Voting?

We would at least learn more about the 'silent majority.'

New Hope for Civil Forfeiture Reform

A bipartisan bill in the Senate offers the opportunity for some improvement on the criminal justice front.

What Do You Need to Know to Start Your Day?

What Do You Need to Know to Start Your Day?

That question is on our minds every day when we compile the Morning Dispatch. 

Tim Scott Didn’t Ask For This

South Carolina’s junior senator didn’t set out to have a political career defined by his race. But his unique perspective has made him perhaps the most influential legislator in the Trump era.

Would the GOP Throw Trump Overboard?

Back in 1974, a group of Republicans talked Nixon into resigning for the good of the party and country. But times have changed.

Pssst… Dispatch Live Is Back This Thursday

Kick off the long weekend with a beer and a little fun with the team from The Dispatch

Why ‘Social Justice’ Jerseys Are a Bad Idea for the NBA

We need politics in fewer of our cultural institutions, not more.

How Conservatives Should Respond to the Great Awokening

The movement wishes to crush moderate discourse, so we must re-create it somewhere else.

The New York Times Tries to Rewrite Very Recent History

A news story referring to ‘isolated incidents of violence’ ignores the paper’s own coverage of the riots and looting that broke out after George Floyd’s death.

Trump’s China Trade Deal Was Designed to Fail

The entire deal rested on China’s willingness to fulfill its commitments, and that's a problem.

Trump Must Decide Whether He’s Campaigning Against ‘Sleepy Joe’ or ‘Dangerous Joe’

The president must win over voters who don’t like him if he wants to be re-elected, and he needs a strategy.

The Pandemic Exposed Deep Problems in the Meat Industry

The challenge now is how to overcome them without resorting to ill-advised populist ideas.

We’re Fighting Coronavirus With Our Biggest Weapons Off the Table

Tracing becomes difficult when cases increase, and so we have to count on Americans to be safe and take precautions.

Why Is Jeff Sessions Humiliating Himself?

The president has insulted him repeatedly, but Sessions still praises him.