
Every Wednesday and Friday, Jonah Goldberg draws on his deep understanding of American history, culture, and conservatism to analyze politics and policy.

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New Right, Same as the Old Left

J.D. Vance & Co. are starting to sound a lot like Bernie Sanders.

The Newest Deal

Biden has overshot LBJ’s legacy and gone straight for FDR instead.

The Fierce Ignorance of Now

How thinking things are worse than ever makes things worse.


Matt Gaetz has always been a sleaze. He was unfit to hold political office even before the new allegations against him.

A Different Kind of Capital

The Founders were acutely aware of the dangers of proximity to power—our current partisans aren’t.

Elizabeth Warren: Senator From Massachusetts—or the Roman Empire?

A revealing tweet suggests she doesn’t understand the limited power of her position.

America, the Good

Yes, sometimes we fall short of our own standards. But our commitment to those standards is what sets us apart.

A Few Sobering Thoughts From the Road

The killings in Atlanta should shock and horrify us, regardless of whether they are hate crimes.

Exit Through the Gift Shop

The Rock & Roll Hall of Fame reminds us of the glitzy reality of much modern radicalism.

Bubble, Bubble, Toil, and Trouble

Bubbles can be good. But when secular ideology takes on a religious zeal, they get a little too thick.

Royalty, Real and Imagined

America’s problem is not that we have elites; it’s that we have the wrong elites.

Toxic Asininity

Blogging changed the media business for the worse, and the devolution continues.

Relentless Karma

If you’re going to apply strict standards to others, you should adhere to them yourself.

New Class and Neocons

Why the Red Dogs won’t hunt.

Yeehaw For Me, But Not For Thee

Outrage over Neera Tanden’s confirmation hearing shows a form of liberal tribalism.

Notes from the Undercaffeinated

How a week in purgatory can remind you of the important things in life.