Fact Check

The Dispatch is a member of the International Fact-Checking Network. We partner with Meta to review and rate the accuracy of stories through original reporting and provide those Fact Check articles for all to read.

More about The Dispatch: We are a digital media company providing fact-based reporting and commentary on politics, policy and culture—informed by conservative principles. We deliver that work in newsletters, articles, and podcasts.

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Will Coronavirus ‘Magically All of a Sudden Go Away’ After The Election?

Medical experts say, contrary to claims by Eric Trump, that a resurgence of the virus in the fall is 'inevitable.'

Did Mike Pence Carry Empty Boxes of PPE Into a Facility as a Publicity Stunt?

A Jimmy Kimmel segment was edited to leave out important context.

Did CBS News Stage a ‘Fake Testing Line’ at a Michigan Hospital?

Some staging might have happened but there is no evidence that CBS was involved.

Is the Trump Administration Selling Coronavirus Commemorative Coins?

No. The ‘White House Gift Shop’ is not actually affiliated with the White House.

Does Trump Owe Millions of Dollars to the Bank of China?

Joe Biden repeats a claim from an erroneous news story.

Did YouTube Remove a Video About a Potential Coronavirus Treatment to Make Trump Look Bad?

No, the video depicted a treatment that has not received FDA approval.

Have Nearly 90 Percent of Intubated Coronavirus Patients in New York Died?

The headlines about a peer-reviewed study have caused confusion.