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January 17, 2024

Meet and Greet Event in New Hampshire


January 17, 2024


Grappone Conference Center


No registration required

Join Sarah, Steve, Jonah, Mike, and Andrew Cline, president of the free-market Josiah Bartlett Center, at the Grappone Conference Center in Concord, New Hampshire, for a meet-and-greet gathering at 6 p.m. ET on January 17, 2024—just days before the state’s primary elections. You can expect plenty of casual socializing before and after the main programming: a one-hour Q&A session with Sarah, Steve, Jonah, Mike, and Andrew. They’ll talk about the news of the day, the upcoming primary election in New Hampshire, and give an update on all things Dispatch. So, be sure to bring your questions! Tickets—which cost $20—will first be available exclusively for Dispatch members.

We hold these regional events for two reasons. First and foremost: to meet and thank the people who pay our salaries and make The Dispatch’s journalism possible. But we also want to expand our community, so we strongly encourage members to purchase tickets for friends or family members who might be interested in what we’re doing.

We look forward to seeing many of you in Concord very soon for a great conversation and a drink or two!

January 17, 2024

6 pm
Drinks with The Dispatch and fellow members
7 pm
Program with featured speakers and Q/A
8 pm
More mingling with members and The Dispatch

Featured Speakers

Steve Hayes


Jonah Goldberg

Editor in chief

Sarah Isgur's Headshot

Sarah Isgur

Senior Editor

Andrew Cline

President of the Josiah Bartlett Center