
Every Wednesday, Scott Lincicome deciphers and explains how otherwise incomprehensible economic policies affect everyday Americans.

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Our China Self-Own

Failing to improve our immigration policy gives our biggest competitor a leg up on skilled labor.

If America Really Is Unpopular, We Have Only Ourselves to Blame

Washington is giving developing countries plenty of reasons to cozy up to China.

The High Cost of Labor Strife at U.S. Ports

Everyone pays when unions successfully battle automation.

Pour a Little Out for Your Neighborhood Industrial Policy Fan

It’s been a rough few months for America’s big ‘new’ experiment.

The Rise of ‘Red Scare’ Policy

We risk overreacting to the threats posed by China.

When ‘Success’ Breeds (Even Bigger) Failure

Lessons from South Korea and Germany on the unseen perils of mercantilist industrial policy.

Cracking the Big Egg Conspiracy

Hint: It wasn’t ‘greedflation’ that caused high prices late last year.

Cobalt Superabundance and the Pretense of Knowledge

Sometimes, doing nothing is the best solution to a problem.

Social Policy With a Side of Chips

Subsidies intended to boost our semiconductor production come with a tangled web of strings attached.

How Corporate Greed Helped Save Europe

When war broke out, countries were able to wean themselves from Russian energy.

Buyback Mountain (of Nonsense)

Stock repurchases are under fire—for no good reason.

Bye, America

Forcing federal contractors to use U.S. goods and services generates all sorts of economic harms.

AI Is Coming For Our Jobs (And That’s Okay)

Humans are adaptable, and we have a long history of overcoming disruptive technologies.

U.S. Policy Needs More Humility

(Or, “How I learned to start worrying and hate the ban.”)

Accountability and the Air Traffic Control Debacle (That I Experienced Firsthand)

There is an obvious way to implement urgently needed reform.