French Press

This is the archive page for The French Press, which is no longer actively sending. Every Tuesday and Sunday David French wrote about the law, politics, faith, culture and global affairs—and often how they interact with each other.

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Debunking the Frivolous and Dangerous Last-Gasp Effort to Overturn the Election

Such efforts are unserious, while the ramifications are anything but.

Debunking the Frivolous and Dangerous Last-Gasp Effort to Overturn the Election

Such efforts are unserious, while the ramifications are anything but.

How an Angry Cheerleader Could Help Cancel Cancel Culture

Also, a shout-out to Matthew Yglesias.

The Church Needs Prophets, But It Wants Lawyers

It’s time to listen to men and women who tell us what we need to hear.

A Christmas Wish for America—Chill the Heck Out

Can we learn to major in the majors and minor in the minors?

Why Do They Hate Us?

Race, Christian nationalism, and white Evangelical alienation from America.

The Dangerous Idolatry of Christian Trumpism

We can pray peace will prevail, but we’d be fools to presume it will.

The Case Against Xavier Becerra

And a few words about breathtaking GOP irresponsibility.

The Kraken Is Lackin’

Why courts are dismissing ’Stop the Steal’ lawsuits so quickly and decisively.

The Crisis of Christian Celebrity

“The heart is deceitful above all things.”

When Delusions Become Dangerous

When conspiracy theorists believe the fate of the nation is at stake, rage and despair can lead to worse than threats.

Hillbilly Agony

Against the backlash to J.D. Vance’s book and Ron Howard’s film.

When the Center Was Shaky, the System Held

Donald Trump couldn’t overcome a nation ‘thick with laws.’

‘America, Nobody Can Serve God and the Military’

What happens when the dogma lives loudly within a Democrat.

Let’s Talk About Fear

On the carrots and sticks of the Trump era.

Signs of Hope in the Fight Against the Radical Woke

In 2020, the center held.