French Press

This is the archive page for The French Press, which is no longer actively sending. Every Tuesday and Sunday David French wrote about the law, politics, faith, culture and global affairs—and often how they interact with each other.

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Do Pro-Lifers Who Reject Trump Have ‘Blood on their Hands’?

Taking a look at the true state of the pro-life argument in America.

How Much of the Right Is a Financial Scam?

Steve Bannon’s alleged fraud is the tip of the con-artist iceberg

The Senate Intelligence Committee Debunks Both Russia Hoaxes

A bipartisan document gives everyone cause for concern.

The Deep Breath Before the Plunge

Thoughts from the precipice of profound political conflict.

New George Floyd Footage Makes Conviction More Likely

Plus, the law of masking, explained.

A Tale of Two Rap Songs

And what they say about the power of politics over culture.

The Decline and Fall of Jerry Falwell

Is the Evangelical comfort with crassness finally cracking?

The Decline and Fall of Jerry Falwell

Is the Evangelical comfort with crassness finally cracking?

Supreme Court Precedent Killed Breonna Taylor

And it will kill again.

We Have Met the Enemies of Free Speech, and They Are Us

How to fight for freedom by becoming the ‘first follower.’

Remembering John Lewis, and the Political Theology that Changed a Nation

In the face of lesser challenges, we demonstrate less virtue.

Trump’s Mistaken Force Reduction in Germany, Explained

Plus, a short explainer about Election Day.

Another Salvo in the ‘Burn It Down’ Wars

Also, what’s left of the Free Exercise Clause in a pandemic?

A Eulogy for a Friend, a Lament for our Nation

America today—broken people, breaking each other.

Dump Trump, but Don’t Burn Down the GOP

Calls to do so ignore the monumental pressures that Donald Trump has placed on the entire party.

The Crisis in Portland and the Question of Competence

It's vital to uphold the Constitution while restoring the peace.