
Every Wednesday and Friday, Jonah Goldberg draws on his deep understanding of American history, culture, and conservatism to analyze politics and policy.

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Our Derangement Problem

It’s particularly telling when people are criticized for using facts and reason.

How Elizabeth Warren Is Like Michael Scott

Trying to get ahead by reading the room—and getting it wrong.

Strange Times Are These

When conspiracy theories don’t sound so crazy.

Good Riddance to a Bad Man

The death of Qassem Suleimani is not an occasion to mourn.

Time, Warped

Reflections on a decade of disruption.

Conservative Whine Caves

Dear Reader [including denizens of wine caves], The day President Trump was impeached, he went ...

Postmodernism and the Narrative Wars

From word magic to the Democratic primary to the Horowitz report.

American Gout

On wealth and the decline of institutions.

The Story of Zoë

A "news"letter from the road.

Pass the Gravy. Hold the Identity Politics.

What we lose when we insert ideology into institutions where it does not belong.

Womxn For Warren

Plus, abortion supporters should think twice before demanding socialized medicine.

Yes, There Was a Quid Pro Quo

Note: This is the G-File, Jonah Goldberg’s newsletter. If you saw this without subscribing and ...

Playing the Position vs. Playing the Man

Playing the Position vs. Playing the Man

Two different ways of navigating the Trump era.

The Riddle of a Republic

The Riddle of a Republic

What's the real difference between being a democracy and a republic?

Technocrats and Technobabble

Technocrats and Technobabble

On the appeal of sounding like you're smart.

Government By Rabble-Rousing

It's not statesmanship to try whipping the people up into a frenzy.