Fact Check

The Dispatch is a member of the International Fact-Checking Network. We partner with Meta to review and rate the accuracy of stories through original reporting and provide those Fact Check articles for all to read.

More about The Dispatch: We are a digital media company providing fact-based reporting and commentary on politics, policy and culture—informed by conservative principles. We deliver that work in newsletters, articles, and podcasts.

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Did the University of Florida Suspend Conservative Student Groups?

The groups had an event that allegedly violated campus COVID-19 guidelines.

Fact Checking President Biden’s Claims on Immigration

He was correct in stating that the majority of people are being sent back, but incorrect to say so about the majority of families.

Has the Biden Administration Issued a ‘Gag Order’ on Border Guards?

There is no official memo but NBC reports that border officials have said they have been restricted in their media interactions.

Fact Check: Claims Compare Hotels for Illegal Migrants to National Guard Troops in Parking Garages

The Biden administration is indeed spending $86 million on emergency accommodations, but comparisons to National Guard troops in D.C. are misleading.

Did Marvin Hagler Die From the COVID-19 Vaccine?

There is no evidence to support this claim, and his wife says he died of natural causes.

Would a New Gun Control Bill Create a National Registry?

Such claims are misleading.

Did the Washington Post Correct a Report About Trump’s Call With the Georgia Secretary of State?

No. The correction was to an article about Trump’s call with a different official.

Did a California Mayor Pro Tempore Plead Guilty to Election Fraud?

He violated state law by not meeting residency requirements. He was not accused of any ballot tampering or vote manipulation.

Is the Effort to Recall Gavin Newsom About ‘Telling People to Wear Masks’?

A Bernie Sanders tweet gets some facts about the recall petition wrong.

Was the CPAC Stage Designed to Look Like Nazi Insignia?

There is no evidence to support the claim.