
Taking Putin Down a Peg

Wagner Group head launches mutiny in Russia but calls it off before reaching Moscow.

Taking Putin Down a Peg

Wagner Group head launches mutiny in Russia but calls it off before reaching Moscow.

Our Best Stuff on the 2024 Primaries, Inflation, and More

GOP candidates chafe at the idea of signing the RNC’s loyalty pledge.

Rage Against the Ism

Don’t reduce your life to the abstract.

The Oath Keepers

On the GOP’s increasingly sinister loyalty pledge.

Presidential Fever Dreams

Our broken primary system sets few barriers to entry beyond a lack of shame and consuming appetite for celebrity.

Congress Gears up for (Another) Spending Fight

Plus: Cracks show in the House GOP’s impeachment plans.

Will Hurd Launches His ‘Dark Horse’ Presidential Bid

Plus: DeSantis tries to outflank Trump on vaccine skepticism.

U.S., India Unite Over Common Adversary

Plus: Will Hurd enters the GOP presidential primary.

U.S., India Unite Over Common Adversary

Plus: Will Hurd enters the GOP presidential primary.

The Strangest Candidacy

Why on earth is Will Hurd running for president?

America Has a Legal Immigration Problem

And it helps fuel illegal immigration.

Rebuilding Ukraine

Plus: The scathing DOJ report on police misconduct in Minneapolis.

Rebuilding Ukraine

Plus: The scathing DOJ report on police misconduct in Minneapolis.

Word to the Wise Guys

We’re arguing about words when we should be arguing about reality.

One Year Later

The GOP is moderating on abortion post-Dobbs.