
Every Wednesday, Scott Lincicome deciphers and explains how otherwise incomprehensible economic policies affect everyday Americans.

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While You Were Seussing

While Republicans fight the culture war on TV, Democrats enact progressive priorities into law

Beware the Populist Feedback Loop

Policies limiting economic freedom deserve serious scrutiny.

A Reality Check on the Pandemic, Supply Chains and Our ‘April 2020 Mindset’

Federal government attempts to reshore supply chains raise their own risks. Freer markets actually make us more resilient.

It’s Time to Start Being Optimistic

Vaccinations are up, cases are down, and the economy is primed to boom.

We’re Paying $1.9 Trillion for What?

Biden's stimulus package goes far beyond helping the millions who are in real need.

Your Summer Cruise Just Got Cabotaged

Why shipping restrictions are counterproductive.

Let’s Talk About a $15 Minimum Wage

As Thomas Sowell has said, 'There are no solutions, there are only tradeoffs.'

Busting the ‘Deindustrialization’ Myth

Manufacturing job loss is tied to economic development and reflects trends largely disconnected from policy.

Would Markets Have Handled the Vaccine Rollout Better Than Government?

What Operation Warp Speed got right—and wrong.

Populist Indulgence Thwarts Serious Governing

There’s a price to be paid for lying to large swaths of people so as not to disrupt their feelings.

A Reality Check on Walmart, Amazon, and E-Commerce

Going after big retailers won't end 'slave labor' or help small businesses in the ways that populists claim.

Why (Some of) the Rents Are Too Damn High

What is driving housing cost increases.

Examining America’s Farm Subsidy Problem

Subsidies strain the budget, go mostly to wealthy farmers, harm poor countries, and create trade conflicts.

The COVID Vaccines Are a Triumph of Globalization

From research and development to distribution, the vaccines show the importance of the free movement of goods, services—and ideas—across national borders.

A COVID-19 Silver Lining That Could Be Even Shinier

Entrepreneurship is up during the pandemic. So let's talk about occupational licensing reform.

Trump’s Election Gambit Isn’t Just About Politics

And there are economic costs to undermining trust in one another and in institutions.