French Press

This is the archive page for The French Press, which is no longer actively sending. Every Tuesday and Sunday David French wrote about the law, politics, faith, culture and global affairs—and often how they interact with each other.

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Is the Worst of the Sexual Revolution Over?

In many aspects, our social fabric is on the mend.

The Supreme Court Takes a Vitally Important Religious Freedom Case

In the clash between religious freedom and nondiscrimination statutes, lines need to be drawn.

The Church’s Real Political Correctness Problem

The religious right has created a mirror image PC complete with cancel culture and performative anger.

The Legal Promise and Sobering Reality of the Fight for Free Speech on Campus

Even with legal victories, conservative students often don't feel free on campus—and that creates problems.

How, Then, Should Christians Vote?

And do Evangelicals owe Bill Clinton an apology?

Is there a Stone Jury Scandal? Not So Fast …

Also, Trump is abusing his power, again.

Bernie Sanders’s Abortion Comments and the Unnecessary Intolerance of the Culture War

There are lots of ways that Democrats could appeal to pro-life voters. What they lose when they choose not to.

Will Somebody Please Hate My Enemies for Me?

Donald Trump is making it even harder for Christians to defend him, and yet they still do.

If the President Is Going to Be So Powerful, Can We Ask He Also Be Good?

The need for presidential character has never been greater, while the demand has rarely been smaller.

Make America Competent Again

The Iowa caucus debacle is only the latest manifestation of our culture of errors.

Satanic Pregnancies, Explained

Paula White leans into a spiritual mistake.

The Negative Precedent of Trump’s Exoneration

Plus, how our geographic clustering contributes to our polarization.

There Is Always a Reason to Be Mad

Also, do actual voters want pro-life Democrats?

Sunday Morning With Kanye

A special service in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee.

James Madison Disagrees with the Wall Street Journal

The word of the day is 'perfidy.'

Here’s the Legitimate Question that Should Dominate the Impeachment Trial

Some abuses of presidential power are more easily remedied than others.