
Every Thursday, Will Rinehart offers unique insights on technology policy, innovation, and other long-tail issues that are often ignored or overlooked.

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While You Weren’t Looking, American Cities Got Nice

How the reclamation of old infrastructure resulted in an urban upgrade.

The Attention Cost of Digital Platforms

Yanis Varoufakis’ ‘Technofeudalism’ downplays what makes companies like Apple and Meta tick.

Private Affairs

What Congress’ latest online privacy proposal overlooks.

The Moving Goal Posts of the Net Neutrality Debate

The history of network neutrality shows regulating internet traffic has never been a fixed policy.

Echoes in the Echo Chamber

How a handful of trolls online can create the ‘majority illusion.’

Why DOJ’s Antitrust Case Against Apple Falls Flat

Green bubbles notwithstanding, Apple isn’t a monopolizing boogeyman.

The TikTok Ban’s Free Speech Dilemma

TikTok’s national security risks don’t invalidate free speech concerns.

Optimism in a Time of Doomsaying

American abundance, the Constitution, and today’s technological frontiers are all cause for celebration.

Welcome to Techne

Introducing a new technology-focused newsletter from The Dispatch.