Luis Parrales

Luis Parrales is an associate editor for arts and culture at The Dispatch and based in Virginia. Prior to joining the company in 2023, he worked in campus outreach and as a research associate at the American Enterprise Institute. He is a contributing editor of American Purpose and a Graduate Institute student at St. John's College in Annapolis. When he is not editing for The Dispatch, he is probably planning ahead on his Oscar predictions and ranking his top ten movies of the year.

Luis Parrales

The Heartbreak of An Immigrant

The new movie ‘Past Lives’ delivers a refreshing immigration story.

Paternal Roots

A look back at Seamus Heaney’s best poem about fathers.

The Rise and Fall of Your First Smartphone

A review of ‘BlackBerry.’

Vintage J

John Mulaney’s latest stand-up special tackles his struggles with addiction, but also shows off his signature comedic charm.