
Every Wednesday and Friday, Jonah Goldberg draws on his deep understanding of American history, culture, and conservatism to analyze politics and policy.

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What, Exactly, Should Israel Do?

A sincere question for those who think Israel shouldn’t respond to Hamas.

The Dangerous Radicalism of Longing

Missing what we’ve never had creates a powerful push for cheap substitutes.

How Anti-Zionism Shrugs Off Antisemitism

New words and ideas can’t sanitize very old facts.

The Scorpion King

Donald Trump has a history of turning on the people who helped him succeed.

The MAGAfication of the Left

A progressive movement that makes allowances for Jew-hatred cannot endure.

Settle This One For Me

Why ‘settler colonialism’ is just a fancy way to say you don’t like Israel.

Tolerating the Radically Intolerant

Hamas’ attack on Israel shined a light on the left’s war on liberalism.

Truth and Power

Those who lack the latter could stand to hear a little more of the former.

The Rise of the Republican Echo-System

Obsession with purity caused GOP dysfunction well before Donald Trump came along.

No Amount of ‘Context’ Justifies Killing Babies

Hamas apologists can offer only incoherent arguments in defense of terrorism.

I, Dentity

Or why I don’t care about where ‘identity politics’ came from.

Time to Hide the Sausage-Making

Too much transparency is unhealthy for our politics.

Who Wants to Buy a Monorail?

The soft utopianism of easy choices.

The Trout in Robert Menendez’s Milk

Too many politicians feel no shame, much less express it.

Uniform Stupidity

Our institutions are so weak that they cannot tell anyone to grow up and play by the rules.

Why Rome?

Because, among other things, it’s cool.