Don’t Fear the Future

The future has a lot of enemies these days, and most of them seem to agree that progress is behind us while nothing but disaster lies ahead. Today, AEI’s Jim Pethokoukis is back on the Remnant to challenge that idea. His new book, The Conservative Futurist, makes the case for a risk-taking, future-oriented American society driven by technological change. But what would such a society look like in practice? How could it come into being? And what makes futurism and conservatism compatible?

Show Notes:

Jim’s page at AEI

Jim’s book, The Conservative Futurist: How to Create the Sci-Fi World We Were Promised

Jim’s Substack, Faster, Please!

Jim’s Political Economy podcast

Jim’s previous Remnant appearance

Virginia Postrel’s The Future and Its Enemies

Kim Stanley Robinson’s The Ministry for the Future

Half-Earth Socialism

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