On this installment of The Remnant, Jonah bestows dear friend of the pod Tevi Troy with his black velvet eight-timer guest club blazer. To celebrate, Jonah and Tevi discuss Tevi’s upcoming book, The Power and the Money: The Epic Clashes Between Commanders in Chief and Titans of Industry. This Trojan epic has it all: the tension between big government and big business during the rapid changes of the early 20th century, Woodrow Wilson screwing up, how business tends to mix with political pleasure. Pay close attention to catch some top-tier Jonah lore, the pet presidents of history’s biggest business tycoons, and the sneaky motivations of woke corporatism. Apologies to Henry Ford.
Show Notes:
—Pre-order The Power and the Money: The Epic Clashes Between Commanders in Chief and Titans of Industry
—Rave reviews for The Power and the Money
—Tevi’s event in Jerusalem
—The tale of Henry Luce
—The return to the smoke-filled room
—National Affairs: “Liberal Practice v. Liberal Theory”
—1600 Lessons leadership program
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