Alec Dent

Alec Dent is a former culture editor and staff writer for The Dispatch.

Alec Dent

Does Joe Biden Want to ‘Defund the Police’?

No. His campaign website has long called for further funding to increase diversity and add oversight.

Did Twitter Censor a Video From the Trump Campaign?

The video was removed over a copyright complaint.

Did Donald Trump Mock ‘I Can’t Breathe’?

The incident in question dates to February. So, no.

Was Joe Biden Warning About Coronavirus Back in January?

Yes, but he also continued holding events until March 10.

Is There a Photo of Derek Chauvin Wearing a ‘Make Whites Great Again’ Hat?

A photo being widely circulated is of another individual altogether.

Did Trump Spend Memorial Day Golfing?

He golfed during the weekend but not on the holiday itself.