Kevin Carroll

Kevin Carroll served as senior counsel to Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly (2017-18) and House Homeland Security Committee chairman Peter King (2011-13), and as a CIA and Army officer.

Kevin Carroll

The National Security Implications of Charles McGonigal’s Arrest

The case shows how the government is falling short in monitoring the actions of former agents and officers.

Could Putin Do the Unthinkable?

Use of weapons of mass destruction would create America’s greatest national security crisis in living memory.

How Al-Qaeda Facilitates Attacks From Within Prisons

In seeking to free Aafia Siddiqui, the synagogue hostage taker reminds us that the terror group began as a prison movement.

Now Is Not the Time to Go Easy on Russia

But that is the message the Biden administration is sending.

What’s Next for the U.S. in Afghanistan—and Elsewhere

There is no plan or will to reverse our losses in Afghanistan. In the days ahead, our foes will test us and our allies will doubt our resolve.