Book Review

A Brief History of a Bullheaded President

Franklin Foer’s new book about Joe Biden reveals a president whose ambitions have exceeded his mandate.

How Well Is Rural America Doing? You’d Be Surprised

Elizabeth Currid-Halkett’s ‘The Overlooked Americans’ rejects grim depictions of rural life.

To Thine Own Self Be True

Tara Isabella Burton’s new book ‘Self-Made’ surveys the grand, and sometimes ridiculous, history of how crafting identities shaped our modern world.

George Orwell’s Diagnosis of Modern Russia

Masha Karp’s ‘George Orwell and Russia’ explores the country’s pathologies through the novelist’s eyes.

Catastrophizing the Classroom

Cara Fitzpatrick’s ‘The Death of Public School’ overblows public education’s demise—and wrongly goes after school choice.

Russell Moore’s Diagnosis of Evangelical America

A review of ‘Losing Our Religion.’

Retconning Capitalism

Sohrab Ahmari’s critiques of free markets in ‘Tyranny, Inc.’ conflate private power with state-backed coercion.

An Essayist’s Defense of the Novel

Joseph Epstein’s new book explains why serious fiction matters, and what we’ll lose if we stop reading it.

The Perks of Being a Politician

Matt Lewis’ new book explores how elected officials almost always get richer—and why that erodes civic trust.

The Two Types of Congressional Conflict

Philip Wallach’s new book, ‘Why Congress,’ shows the first branch craves performance. Could conflict nudge it toward compromise?

Cherry-picking the Western Canon

A review of Patrick Deneen’s ‘Regime Change: Toward a Postliberal Future.’

The Incoherence of Illegitimacy

Michael Waldman’s ‘The Supermajority’ doubles down on caricatures of the Supreme Court.

Justice by Association

A review of Danielle Allen’s ‘Justice by Means of Democracy.’

What Makes Gen Z Tick?

Jean Twenge’s data-rich new book explores America’s six living generations, and lays out striking possibilities for future trends in public opinion.

Russia vs. Ukraine, Year One

A review of Serhii Plokhy’s ‘The Russo-Ukrainian War: The Return of History.’

Wage Rage

Michael Lind’s latest book outlines New Right economic proposals, but repeats Old Left mistakes.