Fact Check: Is White House Foliage Proof Biden Faked a Photo?

Viral social media posts claim that President Joe Biden shared a fake photo of himself boarding Marine One on his way to a North Atlantic Treaty Organization summit in Brussels. The supposed proof for this claim is that the trees seen behind him are green even though most trees in Washington, D.C., haven’t yet grown their spring foliage. 


Biden left for Europe on Wednesday, and before he boarded Marine One he took questions from the press. The greenery can be seen in video of Biden talking with the press along with other images taken before Biden left as well. Green leaves can be seen covering the trees in press interactions from the beginning of this month as well. 

While trees at the north side of the White House may still be bare, the South Lawn, where Biden’s helicopter took off, features evergreen magnolia trees planted during the Jackson administration in 1835. 

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