Marvin Olasky

Marvin Olasky, the former editor-in-chief of World News Group, is a Discovery Institute senior fellow and author of the upcoming "Moral Vision: Leadership from George Washington to Joe Biden" (Simon & Schuster).

Marvin Olasky

Presidents Day, Meet Black History Month

Remembering an exchange between George Washington and the poet Phillis Wheatley.

How Christian Homeless Shelters Are Changing

Some are strict, some are loose, but they’re all trying to address a growing problem.

The Wonder of the Universe’s Weirdness

How quantum physics can push us to look up, in ‘desperate puzzlement.’

Our Liberty Theme Park

Too many politically conservative Christians misunderstand America’s chief end.

Journalism and Britney Spears’ ‘Agonizing’ Abortion

Some news outlets included her description of her abortion, others omitted it.