Boiling Frogs

Every weekday evening, Nick Catoggio, formerly Allahpundit, offers a running commentary on how populism is changing the world—and America’s two major political parties.

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Permission Structures

The flaw in Kim Reynolds’ endorsement of Ron DeSantis.

Full Eeyore

For classical liberals, a moment of peak demoralization.

The Queeg Factor

Do voters know how weird Trump has become?

Fitness Test

House Republicans squabble over, of all things, political propriety.

Poster Children

Why images of Israeli hostages are being torn down.

Herding Cats

Populist contradictions in Mike Johnson’s first major bill.

Haley’s Comet

How does she win?

The Hamas Vote

How the Middle East’s new war might scramble 2024.

No Confidence

Getting nervous about Biden 2024.

The Perfect Ending

In the GOP’s speaker mess, the bad guys win again.

Forgiving Jenna Ellis

How much grace is a remorseful coup-enabler owed?

Kevin’s House

A quasi-defense of an execrable leader.

The Normalcy Candidate

The political peril of linking Ukraine and Israel.

Only Trump Is Trump

Lessons from the humiliation of Jim Jordan.

Face Value

On the Israeli airstrike that wasn’t.

Team Players

Why shouldn’t blue-district House Republicans switch parties?