Never Go ‘Full Hitler’

President Harry S. Truman speaks from the dais at during the Democratic National Convention on July 14, 1948, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. (Photo by Irving Haberman/IH Images/Getty Images)

An unpopular Democratic president declares his Republican rival to be a threat to American democracy. Like Hitler in Germany or Mussolini in Italy, his Republican opponent is a “front man” for fascism and the “crackpot forces of the extreme right wing.”

“I know that it is hard for Americans to admit this danger,” the president declared. “American democracy has very deep roots. But, if the antidemocratic forces in this country continue to work unchecked, this nation could awaken a few years from now to find that the Bill of Rights had become a scrap of paper.”

The Republicans were emulating the “the tragic story of what happened in Germany,” the president insisted. “We know how Hitler used antisemitic propaganda as a way of stupefying the German people with false ideas while he reached out for power.” The coming election “is not just a battle between two parties. It is a fight for the very soul of the American government.”

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