
Mass Murderers and Bomb Makers: The Prisoners Hamas Wants Israel to Free

Hamas is demanding the release of high-profile terrorists as a condition of a hostage deal with Israel.

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Why the Islamic State Bombing in Iran Should Have Western Leaders Worried

The terrorist group has regrouped and adapted—and it’s trying to exploit regional tensions.

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‘The Worst of Our Worst Nightmares’

After the Hamas terrorist attack, what will life look like for the small, tight-knit communities in southern Israel?

No Amount of ‘Context’ Justifies Killing Babies

Hamas apologists can offer only incoherent arguments in defense of terrorism.

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Israel’s Multifront War on Terror

The embattled country is leading the fight against Iranian-sponsored terrorism in the Middle East.

The Afghanistan Withdrawal, Two Years Later

‘Admit to your mistakes, learn from them, so that this doesn’t happen ever, ever again.’

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Incentivizing More Iranian Terrorism

Analysts say $6 billion the U.S. is sending to Iran won’t just underwrite humanitarian expenses.

Pakistan’s Self-Made Jihadist Crisis

Years of playing footsie with the Taliban has fed the country’s current insurgent violence.

The Section 702 Reauthorization Debate, Explained

Experts and politicians want reform of the controversial surveillance measure.

Revoking the President’s War Powers, Explained

Congress is poised to repeal authorization for the use of military force for the first time since 1974.

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The U.S.-Turkey Relationship Just Got More Complicated

A terrorist attack in Istanbul renews tensions between longtime allies.

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A Global Hostage Crisis

How Washington tries to prevent international adversaries from using captive Americans as leverage: A Dispatch Explainer.

Lawmakers Respond to Zawahiri Killing

Plus, the Senate will take another crack at a veteran health care bill.

The Morning Dispatch: U.S. Kills al-Qaeda Leader

Plus: What’s in the CHIPS package.

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How Al-Qaeda Facilitates Attacks From Within Prisons

In seeking to free Aafia Siddiqui, the synagogue hostage taker reminds us that the terror group began as a prison movement.

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The Little Country That Could Be a Big Help Fighting Terror and Extremism

Kosovo has been proactive both in countering creeping Iranian influence in the Balkans and in confronting its own terrorist problem.