
The Kitchen Sync

July 31, 2020

Trump’s Mistaken Force Reduction in Germany, Explained

Plus, a short explainer about Election Day.

The Sweep: What It’s Like to Cover the Veepstakes

Sarah talks to Steve about how he broke the news that Paul Ryan was Romney’s choice.

The Morning Dispatch: Tech Under Fire

Plus, did the NBA hide its knowledge of Uighur abuses in China to keep its access to the Chinese market?

Was Nixon Wrong About China?

It might be time to question the conventional wisdom.

America First? More Like America Whenever.

Trump’s attitude toward Russia shows he never meant America First.

The Morning Dispatch: House Democrats Grill Bill Barr

Plus, explaining the tit-for-tat closure of the U.S. consulate in Chengdu, China.

Another Salvo in the ‘Burn It Down’ Wars

Also, what’s left of the Free Exercise Clause in a pandemic?

The Morning Dispatch: The Latest on the Coronavirus Relief Package

Plus, the threat of foreign election interference is as pressing as ever.

Welcome to The Sweep

Covering the last 100 days of the presidential campaign.

A Eulogy for a Friend, a Lament for our Nation

America today—broken people, breaking each other.

Our Best Stuff From the Past Week. And Announcing a New Feature!

What's going on in Portland, the danger of burning down the whole GOP, and more.

Everyone’s (Kinda) a Rebel

And when everyone’s a rebel, no one is.

Dump Trump, but Don’t Burn Down the GOP

Calls to do so ignore the monumental pressures that Donald Trump has placed on the entire party.