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An Important Message from Jonah Goldberg
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An Important Message from Jonah Goldberg

Hi, Look, I get it. When I get these kinds of pitches, I feel like ...


Look, I get it. When I get these kinds of pitches, I feel like the blind guy after being given a piece of matzoh: “Who writes this stuff?”

The good news is that, as with my forthcoming book The Amish Guide to Computer Programming, I’m going to keep it short—because I don’t want to waste your time. In fact, not wasting your time is a big part of our mission here. 

My dad was an editor, and he always told me that every sentence should either be good or important. If it’s important, the reader will recognize it. If it’s good, the reader won’t mind if it’s not important. If it’s neither: Get rid of it. Obviously, this is an impossible ideal, but that’s why we call them ideals. They’re something to strive for. 

And that’s what we strive for, everyday: to tell you—through reporting and analysis—what we think is important enough to warrant some of your precious time. And, if it’s not the most important, must-know information (I’m looking at you, G-File), we want everything else we send you to be insightful, enjoyable, or interesting enough that you don’t regret the time you spent reading (or listening to) it. 

Our first year has been a great success and Steve Hayes has a three-hour PowerPoint presentation he can show you to prove it. You may have heard  about our partner Substack. It’s a great company and they’ve been in the news a lot. It’s changing the way people get journalism – and for the better. Well, we’ve been atop the Substack “leaderboard”–a ranking of top individuals and outlets on the platform–basically since we launched. 

I’ll forgo more chest thumping and skip to the more important point: We couldn’t have done it without our members. The demand for sane, serious, right-of-center reporting and analysis was greater than we anticipated and the demand is only growing. We want to meet that demand, as much as possible, and stay ahead of everybody emulating our model. 

If even half the people who subscribe to our free newsletters converted to paid members, it would be transformative. Not only could we do things tomorrow that we plan on doing three years out, the story of The Dispatch and what it represents would send shockwaves across the political, business, and media landscape. Steve and I launched The Dispatch to do something important and with your help, success is virtually guaranteed. 

But that’s not the main reason I think you should take the plunge. I think you should hop aboard our pirate skiff because I think it’s good. I think we’re offering value. Obviously, if you’re struggling during these rough times, that’s one thing. But at $10 a month, we cost less than a single burger at Chili’s. Don’t get me wrong, Chili’s makes a good burger. But getting all we offer for about three dimes and three pennies a day strikes me as a bargain. 

I know I said we want to provide stuff that’s either good or important. And we do. But, the truth is I think what we’re providing is both.  

Please consider joining. Of course, you can cancel at any time and we’ll provide a refund. But I sincerely think you won’t want to.  Thank you for your time. 

Jonah Goldberg is editor-in-chief and co-founder of The Dispatch, based in Washington, D.C. Prior to that, enormous lizards roamed the Earth. More immediately prior to that, Jonah spent two decades at National Review, where he was a senior editor, among other things. He is also a bestselling author, longtime columnist for the Los Angeles Times, commentator for CNN, and a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute. When he is not writing the G-File or hosting The Remnant podcast, he finds real joy in family time, attending to his dogs and cat, and blaming Steve Hayes for various things.

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