Chris Stirewalt

Chris Stirewalt is a contributing editor at The Dispatch, a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, the politics editor for NewsNation, co-host of the Ink Stained Wretches podcast, and author of Broken News, a book on media and politics.

Chris Stirewalt

So Much for Moving On

January 6 will cast a shadow over at least one more election.

I Got You Dave

"I'm a political dirtbag."

Rules for Radicals

It won’t matter who the speaker of the House is if we don’t safeguard clear, impartial, and competent administration.

Politics Without Consequences

While Joe Biden is gaining momentum, House Republicans can’t even agree to the rules of their own game.

War and Lies in Gaza

One man's misinformation is another's truth-telling.

GOP Jumps in a Lake

Why is Sen. John Barrasso endorsing a kooky radical?

Minority Rules

Not even a third of Republicans are happy Kevin McCarthy was ousted, yet here we are.

What You Get Out of College Is Who You Put Into It

College is far more a reflection of status than it is a path by which to reach it.

Indulging Some What-Ifs

A primer on filing deadlines, primary season, and what happens if a nominee is incapacitated.

There’s No Place Like Rome

An interview with Travis Kelce.