A Made Man

Rather than dedicating today’s Ruminant to another interminable rant about the state of the GOP (although if you’re interested in one of those, you might want to read Wednesday’s members-only G-File, hint-hint), Jonah focuses his attention on topics less likely to drive him utterly insane. These include some major recent Supreme Court decisions, his shrinking skepticism of horseshoe theory, and our tendency to overlook the meaningful distinctions between friends, family, and strangers. Tune in also to hear Jonah thoroughly dispel all rumors of his anti-Italian bigotry.

Show Notes:

The GLoP Culture podcast 

The Dispatch Podcast on the end of affirmative action

The Remnant with Bret Devereaux

Guy is released from the pit for a Remnant AMA

Jonah: “Defending Conservatism—From the Right”

Gertrude Himmelfarb’s The Roads to Modernity: the British, French, and American Enlightenments

Violence and Social Orders: A Conceptual Framework for Interpreting Recorded Human History

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