The Great Unlearning

Episode 642: The Great Unlearning

Last year, Remnant regular and AEI scholar Matt Continetti published The Right: The Hundred-Year War for American Conservatism, a tome so nerdy that he and Jonah needed two full podcast episodes just to discuss the first half of it. Today, Matt returns to the program to continue working through the history of the right from the ‘80s to the present. Or, at least, that was the plan. Instead, the conversation ends up focusing on the nature of the new right, how Pat Buchanan changed conservatism, and what Donald Trump’s devotees actually want. Plus, listeners of the Commentary podcast will be delighted to find that Matt is actually allowed to speak.

Show Notes:

Matt’s page at AEI

The Right, now available in paperback

Part one of Matt’s previous Remnant nerdfest…

…and part two

The Commentary podcast

Lionel Trilling’s The Liberal Imagination

Julius Krein: “I Voted for Trump. And I Sorely Regret It.”

Christopher Lasch’s The Revolt of the Elites

Tom Wolfe: “The Great Relearning”
Ezra Klein: “The Problem With Everything-Bagel Liberalism”

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