Eric S. Edelman

Eric S. Edelman is counselor at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments and is a former U.S. ambassador to Turkey, Finland, and under secretary of defense for policy.

Eric S. Edelman

Could Saudi Arabia Help Save Biden’s Flailing Presidency?

Getting the kingdom to join the Abraham Accords could be a big win for everyone involved.

It’s About More Than Ukraine

Putin’s main objective is destroying NATO.

Turkey is Collateral Damage in Erdoğan’s Hostage Diplomacy

His erratic policies scare away tourists and foreign capital.

The Biden Administration and the Paradox of the Weak

The Afghanistan debacle exposes a deficiency that will only embolden our adversaries.

Why Greece Can Be a Powerful Ally

Its popular, pragmatic prime minister offers welcome political stability and ideals that align with promoting democracy.

The Biden-Putin Summit Has Opened the Floodgates

A proposal from Germany and France for an EU-Russia meeting threatens to divide the EU.

How the West Must Handle Lukashenko’s Threat to the International Order

Designating the Belarusian dictator as a terrorist would be one step. But leaders must also pressure Vladimir Putin.

What We Have Learned About Biden’s Foreign Policy

And what more we’ll learn when we see the defense budget.

The Passing of A Diplomatic Legend and a Master of Grand Strategy

Charles Hill was George Schultz's closest aide.

Team Biden Tries to Thread the Needle on the Iran Nuclear Deal

Can anything be accomplished without caving to the Islamic Republic?