Chris Stirewalt

Chris Stirewalt is a contributing editor at The Dispatch, a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, the politics editor for NewsNation, co-host of the Ink Stained Wretches podcast, and author of Broken News, a book on media and politics.

Chris Stirewalt

A Shortcut Through the Long Campaign

We don’t have to get too wrapped up in the parties’ narratives at this point.

Kooks, Real and Imagined

What happened when the GOP fell in love with the idea of a permanent revolution.

Will the Haley Voters Come Back in November?

And what will loyal but non-MAGA voters do?

Llamas, Life Online, and Lessons Learned

How the news media followed social media mobs into the darkest corners of political life.

Can Haley Wake Them Up in South Carolina?

Today’s primary will reveal if voters are growing weary of the outrages of Trump and Trumpism.

Bring Back Political Factions

Smirnov iced.

Leading by Leaving

Would Biden or Trump ever consider following the paths of Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon?

Biden and the Blank Space 

Progressive activists in Michigan are mounting a write-in campaign for ‘uncommitted.’

The Democrat Deficiency

The error of goofball candidates.

Looking for Signals in the Suburbs

What today’s special election in New York’s 3rd District might tell us about November.