
Sanctions Have Hurt Iran’s Aviation Sector, But Not Enough

There is more the U.S. can do to keep the Islamic Republic from using planes to support dictators and terrorists.

File the Discharge Petition Now

Or soon.

Accountability and the Air Traffic Control Debacle (That I Experienced Firsthand)

There is an obvious way to implement urgently needed reform.

There Is No Painless Way to Balance the Budget

‘Taxing the rich’ and cutting ‘woke’ programs won’t come close to getting the job done.

Handling Classified Documents 101

How Joe Biden’s classified material should have been handled at the end of the Obama administration: A Dispatch Explainer.

Of Course Your House Is Killing You

And it’s not just the gas range.

A Bleak Outlook on Immigration Reform

Divisions in Congress make major breakthroughs on the issue unlikely in 2023.

How Republicans Can Get Serious on Spending

When it comes to cuts, less is actually more.

How a Progressive Judge Helped Preserve American Pluralism

The law is doing its part. Are Christians doing theirs?

Overheated: The Battle Over Gas Stoves

The real issue is making sure our energy networks can provide affordable and reliable power.

Let Ukraine Defeat the Russia-Iranian War Machine

Biden’s chronic risk aversion is prolonging the war and making it more costly

Farewell (But Not Goodbye)

Some personal news.

Electric Vehicles and the Unintended Consequences of Industrial Policy

A plan to subsidize EV purchases has angered trading partners and might be bad for the environment.

House GOP Moves to Messaging Bills and Investigations

Plus, a new select committee on strategic competition with China.

Understanding Biden’s Big Immigration Plan

The administration seeks to bring order to the chaotic influx of migrants at the U.S.-Mexico border.

Why Entitlement Reform Is So Hard

If lawmakers won’t reduce benefits, raising taxes is the only option.